WP Photography


There's something about a shutter click.

It's like freezing time forever, whether it's a moment as you remember it, or a moment as you wish it was. Photography can capture or create any memory you want. 

I've been taking pictures for as long as I can remember. My first camera was a small 35mm film camera and I hauled that thing all across Arizona with rolls of black and white film, doing my best Ansel Adams impression.

Fast forward (quite a few) years and I'm still taking pictures, freezing moments and helping people relive the best times of their lives.

I'm a portrait, wedding and landscape photographer, but more than that, I'm a watcher and a listener. Because in all of those days trekking with my camera I discovered that it's not just about the shutter click. It's about what's on the other side of the shutter. 

It's about you.